Originally designed for Ms. Baker's class, Bakify is an online web application that allows you to scan your writing for analytical never-words and offers synonymous terms as replacements. It (debatably) improves your writing by highlighting weak words that impede your message, and has atomatic dark mode that turns on at night. If there are any programmers who have any suggestions, I would love to hear feedback! (built-in form on website). Please note that Bakify is still in beta, meaning not all features are fully available, and Bakify will continue to develop and improve.
--some kid idk
--another kid
--Ms. Baker
Bakify allows users to scan for over 118 different analytical never-words with weak verb support coming soon. It reduces the time spent searching for words and can provide synonymous terms automatically within the website. More analytical never-words and weak verbs will be added as Bakify develops.